Dematerialisation is the process of conversion of shares from physical form to the
electronic mode. Our dedicated demat team enable you to convert your physical holdings
in shares/ Debentures/ Bonds/ G-secs into electronic mode in a quick and hassle-free
Submit Demat Request Form
Once your demat account is opened with us and you have received your client account
number, you can start dematerialising your shares. You can submit the shares over
the counter at any of our branches. Kindly go through the tips given on filling
up the DRF to avoid rejection.
Your shares are dematerialised
When the company gives you credit, these shares will reflect under "free" column.
Now you can sell these shares. In case the company is not satisfied with the details
furnished, it will reject the shares.
If your shares have been rejected by the company, StockHolding will forward the shares
to you on receiving them from the company.
You can get the securities dematerialised in the same account if the names appearing
on the certificates match with the names in the demat account but are in different
order. This can be done by submitting the certificates along with the Transposition
Form and the Dematerialisation Request Form ( DRF).
Transmission and dematerialisation
In case of death of one or more of the joint holders, the surviving holder(s) can
get the name(s) of the deceased deleted from the security certificate and get the
same dematerialised. Notarised copy of Death Certificate, Transmission Form as per
Annexure OB and the Dematerialisation Request Form (DRF) have to be submitted by
the surviving joint holder(s) along with the security certificates
Conversion of Mutual Fund Units
You can dematerialise the existing Mutual Fund units (represented by Statement of
Accounts) in the same account if the names appearing on the Statement of Accounts
match with the names in the demat account. You can reconvert Mutual Fund units held
in demat account to Statement of Accounts.