Please, tick the relevant boxes:
Our aggregate turnover as per Goods and Services Tax (GST) law in India is less than INR 100 crores and we are not required to comply with e-invoicing provisions under GST. We also confirm that we shall comply with provisions of e-invoicing regime as and when the same becomes applicable to us(IF ANY)
We also declare that we will update you in case there is any change in the above details or in case we are required to adhere to e-invoicing provisions under GST due to any subsequent change in law.
Our aggregate turnover as per Goods and Services Tax (GST) law in India is more than INR 100 crores and we are required to comply with Rule 48(4) of CGST Rules 2017 mandating us to obtain Invoice Reference Number. We assure you that the invoices raised by us to Stock Holding Corporation India LTD will be in compliance with the above-mentioned Rule.
The above statement is true and correct and we will compensate Stock Holding for any demand, credit reversal, denial of refund, loss, interest or penalty imposed by any authority due to incorrect declaration given by us or any non-compliance from our end.
Business Associates are requested to also note the following.
1) GST Registered BA's have to ensure that this declaration is given on or before 31-Dec-2020. In case of any delay all responsibility will vest with the business associates.
2) All GST unregistered BA's have to ensure that this declaration is given on or before 31-Dec-2020. In case of any delay all responsibility will vest with the business associates.
3) Any unregistered BA's who are subsequently getting GST registered need to ensure that their old payments prior to GST registration is cleared by Stock Holding. Stock Holding will not give retrospective benefit of input credit for payments released and mobilization done prior to submitting GST registration.