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StockHolding is a Custodian/Professional Clearing Member of derivative segment at the Bombay Stock Exchange and at the Futures & Options Segment of the NSEIL respectively.

We have developed in-house Back Office systems and procedures to cater to the needs of various entities in the segment. A dedicated team of professionals handle derivative operations and assist its clients. As a professional clearing member, StockHolding performs the following functions:

Clearing - Computing obligations of all his TM’s i.e. determining positions to settle.

Settlement - Performing actual settlement.

Collateral Management - Collection of collateral (cash/cash equivalents and securities), valuation on a regular basis (as per J. R. Varma recommendations) and setting up exposure limits for TMs and Institutional clients.

Risk Management- Setting position limits based on up front deposits/margins for each TM and monitoring positions on a continuous basis.