StockHolding has been authorised by Ministry of Finance, Government of India to act as a Central Record-Keeping Agency (CRA) to design and implement an electronic method of stamp duty collection.
e-Stamping is web-based solution for payment and collection of non-judicial stamp duty.
eCourtFee Service
eRegistration Service
SHCIL Services Limited (SSL) is the broking arm of StockHolding.
To know more about services ,please visit -
StockHolding Document Management Services Limited is currently servicing clients in document management and digitisation of records using document management platform.
StockHolding Securities IFSC Limited has its registered office at IFSC, Gift City, Gandhinagar and is a wholly owned subsidiary of StockHolding. SSIL offers a comprehensive bouquet of service solutions to all eligible investors at IFSC, Gift City. To know more on the customised service solutions offered by SSIL write to us at
StockHolding Learning & Development Centre (SLDC) is housed on the five-acre campus of “SHCIL House” at Mahape. The centre, which has state–of-art facilities has been developed to offer focussed residential / non-residential training programmes.
About SLDC
Reach Us
SHCIL Learning & Development Centre (SLDC) is housed on the five-acre campus of “SHCIL House” at Mahape. The centre, which has state–of-art facilities has been developed to offer focussed residential / non-residential training programmes.
8.0% taxable bonds
These Bonds are held in electronic form in an account called Bond Ledger Account (BLA). Bond Ledger Accounts can be opened and operated with RBI designated Receiving Offices. StockHolding has been designated as one of the Receiving Offices by RBI for this purpose. Subscriptions for Savings Bonds can be submitted at any of our branches. Savings Bonds being sovereign in nature are absolutely safe and an attractive investment option in the current volatile market situation.
The following categories can subscribe to Savings Bonds :
Category of Investor
8.0% (Taxable)
His or her individual capacity.
Individual capacity on joint basis.
Individual capacity on anyone or survivor basis
On behalf of a minor as father/mother/legal guardian.
Charitable Institution to mean a Company registered under Section 25 of the Indian Companies Act 1956.
An Institution which has obtained a Certificate of Registration as a Charitable Institution in accordance with a law in force.
Any institution which has obtained a certificate from Income tax Authority for the purposes of Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961
University means a University established or incorporated by a Central, State or Provincial Act and includes an Institution declared under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 to be a University for the purposes of that Act.